Skincare Facebook Ads Keep Getting Rejected?Heres How To Fix It

skincare ads rejected

Skincare Facebook Ads Keep Getting Rejected? How to Fix It.

Today we’re talking about a pretty specific problem, but one that we come up against quite a lot. We work with a lot skincare brands, skin treatment clinics and cosmetics companies. It’s pretty common to have imagery for skincare Facebook ads rejected for showing too much skin. But when skin is your whole thing, how do you show your customers how effective your products and treatments are without your ads getting rejected and slowing down your whole marketing process?

Here’s a quick how-to for all our skincare and cosmetics friends out there.

Why is your ad getting rejected?

First thing’s first. Facebook’s Community Standards prohibit any images containing nudity, and implied nudity. But even though we’re pretty sure you’re not trying to show nudity in your ads, even seemingly innocent things like a close up of a body part to show how effective your treatment is, could be the reason your ads are getting rejected. Facebook has some other guidelines around the depiction of body parts, skin and personal health products and services that you should be aware of:

  • No images zoomed in on individual body parts, e.g. abs, chest, buttocks.
  • No before and after images that show ‘unlikely’ results.
  • No excessive skin or cleavage.
  • No images that generate a negative self-perception in order to promote health related products.

The issues here lie in the fact that Facebook is pretty vague when it comes to the definition of ‘excessive skin’ or ‘unlikely results’.

We know it’s frustrating when all you want to do is show the awesome results your treatments and products can achieve. But we don’t suggest continually trying to slip images under Facebook’s radar. Too many disapprovals can lead to your whole ad account getting flagged or disabled, and you definitely don’t want that.


So, how should you approach your cosmetic treatment and skincare Facebook ads?

Avoid overly zoomed in images:

We know you’d love to be able to show the world how your procedure or products reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and that’s best seen close up. But it’s a no-go, unfortunately.

Instead, choose a more pulled out image, maybe a happy customer smiling post-treatment, that will catch someone’s eye long enough to read your super engaging ad copy as they’re scrolling.

This is what Facebook considers acceptable when showing body parts in ads.

No before and after images

Again, we know you want to show your audience the awesome results you can get with your treatments or products! But Facebook wants to avoid ads that might make misleading claims about the kind of results people can expect from health and beauty treatments.

Instead… pair an image of a customer with glowing skin, or one of your products, with a testimonial from a customer in the ad copy as an alternative way to include social proof in your campaign.

Other ideas for content…

If you’d rather avoid the risk of showing skin altogether, think of other ways that you can communicate your product or service’s value to potential customers. We already mentioned testimonials and social proof. But you can also talk about your brand values and ethos. Anything that might pique the interest of new customers and give them a reason to choose your skincare brand or treatment clinic over someone else’s.


  • Images of your clinic to show new customers the lovely environment they’ll get to enjoy when they come for treatments.
  • Images of your team accompanied by copy about your values to help personlise your brand.
  • Flat-lays or appealing imagery of your products.


We hope these pointers help you avoid those pesky disapprovals next time you’re putting creative together for a campaign. For more information about what sort of imagery is and isn’t allowed, we recommend reading through Facebook’s personal health advertising guidelines too.  Or, if you want to work with a team who already know the ins and outs of Facebook advertising for skincare and cosmetic treatments, get in touch! Our team of expert marketing consultants would love to find out more about your brand, and help you grow!


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