6 Social Media and Digital Marketing Podcasts to Help You Stay Up to Date

6 Social Media and Digital Marketing Podcasts to Help You Stay Up to Date

6 Social Media and Digital Marketing Podcasts to Help You Stay Up to Date

The social media landscape changes constantly and it pays to keep up to date. But with trends, new platforms, algorithm updates and ever-evolving best practices, keeping on top of it all is no mean feat. That’s why the WCM team loves podcasts! They’re free (usually), packed with information about niche topics, and best of all, you can listen on the go, making them the most convenient way to keep up to date with industry news. Yay for podcasts! We put together a list of our current favourite Australian podcasts about social media and digital marketing.


Social Media Marketing Podcast by Michael Stelzner

Social Media Marketing Podcast by Michael Stelzner: This podcast covers the latest trends and strategies in social media marketing. It features interviews with experts in the field and offers actionable tips and advice. Publishing weekly since 2012, this show helps marketers navigate the ever changing marketing jungle with expert interviews from leading marketing pros.

Find it here: 


Brandfetti – for tips on content and business

Hosted by lawyer-turned-copywriter, brand-storyteller and strategist Anita Siek, Brandfetti covers all things content, brand strategy and business building. It includes first-hand insights from Anita (who founded copywriting and brand-strategy agency Wordfetti), and covers topics like writing great Instagram captions, figuring out your brand’s tone-of-voice, and useful insights from special guests, like this episode on intellectual property with IP lawyer Fi Nguyen.

Find it here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/brandfetti/id1464154049


Marketing School by Neil Patel and Eric Siu

This podcast covers a range of topics related to digital marketing, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and more. It offers insights and advice on how to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

Find it here: https://marketingschool.io/


Shine Copy Podcast

You may not consider yourself a copywriter, but if you’re a digital marketer or small business owner, you likely wear many hats – copywriter included!

This is the podcast for women seeking the confidence, assurance and advice that comes from sharing your journey with like-minded biz owners.

Join host Rachel Green – SEO copywriter and founder of Shine Copy, a copywriting brand for small business big on conscience. A heart-led mama of three, she’s all about keeping it real and raising up women in small business.

Find it here: https://www.shinecopy.com.au/podcast


Download This Show – for social and tech news and politics

An ABC podcast hosted by Marc Fennell, Download This Show looks at social media, electronics and tech news from a cultural and political perspective. Episodes include reports on the recent Twitter bitcoin hack, Australia’s cyber-security HQ, and news from major tech and social media companies. With episodes around the 30-minute mark, this is a concise way to stay informed about the cultural and political impacts of the digital platforms we deal with every day as digital marketers.

Find it here: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/downloadthisshow/


Socialette – bite-sized social media and launch lessons

Hosted by launch strategist Steph Taylor, Socialette offers bite-sized insights about social media, marketing for small businesses, and launching digital products. Episodes are typically around the 10 minutes, making them super easy to fit into your day, and Steph does occasionally do some longer deep dives into business related topics with special guests.

Find it here: https://plinkhq.com/i/1370751593?to=page

We hope this list introduced to some new podcasts that will help you stay informed in this ever-changing industry. Do you have any to add to the list? Leave a comment below!



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