The Great Apple Vs Facebook Privacy Debate

apple vs privacy

User Data & Privacy – The world is watching You may have heard about a serious beef happening between Facebook and Apple. It’s all to do with user data and privacy and it could have some serious consequences for businesses and marketers using Facebook as an advertising platform. But it’s complicated. So, we’re here to give you a bit […]

How to Write Powerful Product Descriptions


+ Free Product Description Template! Does the following problem sound familiar?  You put your heart and soul into developing your product. Every ingredient, material and element has been thought about in great detail. You’ve designed cool-looking packaging that you know your customers will love. You’ve even done a professional shoot done to get some super slick product shots. But when it comes time to upload your products to your website, you […]

A Guide to Marketing Agencies

Marketing Consultant

How to choose a marketing agency and track their performance As in-house marketing manager, you have a lot on your plate. You’re overseeing your company’s marketing strategy from head to toe, managing budgets, managing your team and making sure that results are being achieved!   If you’ve been lucky enough to be able to engage a digital marketing agency for a little extra help with things like Facebook ads […]

What is a Marketing Funnel?

marketing funnel

Do you have a marketing funnel?   Also known as a conversion funnel, sales funnel or lead generation funnel, if you run your own business, it’s something you may have heard of and dismissed as marketing jargon.   But here at WCM, we’re big fans of a well-thought-out digital marketing funnel. So, we’re here to tell you why a funnel is […]

Is Your Store Ready for Black Friday Cyber Monday?

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Is Your Store Ready for Black Friday/Cyber Monday? Less than 2 weeks to go for the biggest sale event of the year? We have 5 tweaks that will level the playing field for your brand and make it the best Black Friday EVER!  For those of you who are PUMPED for the […]